The Gardens
Hugel-what?? We use a type of permaculture, called hugelkultur, which allows us to work as closely as possible with the Earth’s resources to grow our food. To make our hugelkultur beds, we cut felled trees and positioned them to recreate a forest floor ripe for growing. Then, we added composted fruits and vegetables, goat and chicken manure, and discarded hay to the wood piles - our own Helping Friendly fertilizer! The largest hugelkultur bed at the farm was constructed specifically for non-ambulatory visitors in mind, measuring at an ideal height for those in wheelchairs.
Dirt Heals
Everyone should be able to touch soil. If you can’t easily get on the ground, we’ll bring the ground up to you! Along with our accessible hugelkultur herb and vegetable gardens, we have wheelchair accessible raised digging beds complete with miniature play farm equipment. We believe strongly in the healing power of dirt, and love to see dirty hands! Not only is it fun, but digging is known to reduce tactile defensiveness, as well as build endurance and hand dexterity. Digging also reduces muscle tension and lowers blood pressure!