Did you know that goats were one of the first domesticated animals? There is an emotional and evolutionary overlap between goats and people. Goats recognize human emotion!
The Helping Friendly Farm goats are named for greatest of
all time athletes.
Pictured in order from left to right: Jordan (for Michael Jordan), Babe (for Babe Ruth), Bolt (for Usain Bolt), Tiger (for Tiger Woods), Pele, Wayne Gretzky, and Brady (for Tom Brady)
Fun Fact: The goats love garden leftovers and will gladly take bruised or damaged fruit from Helping Friendly Farm’s organic fruit trees.
Wayne Gretzky
Wayne Gretzky is the only goat that goes by two names. This sweet goat has blue eyes, just like the hockey player he was named for. Wayne Gretzky likes to be scratched behind his ears and on the top of his head. He can give kisses when asked and is generally a good boy.
Babe is Pele’s twin brother and the smallest of all of the goats. Don’t let his small stature confuse you, though - Babe has a big personality. He can even do a trick. If an adult asks Babe to go “up” while holding a treat, he’ll stand on his hind legs! He can be a little shy, but when he lets you pet him, you can’t help but smile.
Pele is Babe’s twin brother, and a truly loving goat. He loves to give kisses and be pet, especially behind his ears and on the top of his head. Pele, like his brother, stands on his hind legs when asked to go “up.” Pele has traveled to a school and loves to be around kids.
Fun Fact: All of the goats are trained to come when you make a “clicking” noise with your mouth.
Jordan is a curious, sweet boy. He has the softest fur out of all of the goats. Jordan’s curiosity leads him to untie shoe laces sometimes, which visitors find very silly! Jordan likes to have the top of his head scratched and will give kisses when asked.
Brady is a gentle, goofy goat. He doesn’t follow the other goats around very much and instead marches to the beat of his own drum. Brady adores people and loves to be pet and hugged.
Fun Fact: The goats like to eat the pine needles off of Christmas trees. Helping Friendly Farm welcomes tree donations!
Bolt is a sweet goat who doesn’t know his own strength. While he enjoys being around people and loves getting pet, he can be a little too pushy when he wants attention sometimes. For everyone’s comfort, if visitors wants to play with Bolt, they must be 13 or older. Bolt and Tiger are best friends and keep each other company when there are younger kids visiting the farm.
Tiger is a sweetie who can also be pushy when he wants attention. He loves to be scratched on his head and get petted. Just like his BFF Bolt, in order to play with Tiger you must be 13 years old or older. Many people think Tiger and Bolt are the most fun because they crave so much attention, while others may think these two goats are a bit too much. Just like people, all of the goats have unique characteristics that make them special.